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Your Position: > Glypican 3

Glypican 3


Target Synonym:MXR7,OCI5,GPC3,Glypican-3,Glypican 3,Glypican Proteoglycan 3,GTR2-2,Secreted Glypican-3,OCI-5,SGBS1,DGSX,SGBS,SDYS,SGB,Intestinal protein OCI-5,Heparan Sulphate Proteoglycan
Number of Launched Drugs:0
Number of Drugs in Clinical Trials:36
Lastest Research Phase:Phase 2 Clinical

제품 리스트 구매

제품번호 제품 설명 구조 순도 특징
GP3-H5255 Human Human Glypican 3 / GPC3 (R355A,R358A) Protein, Fc Tag, premium grade
CHEK-ATP177 Cynomolgus HEK293/Cynomolgus Glypican-3 (GPC3) Stable Cell Line
GP3-H52H5 Human Human Glypican 3 / GPC3 (359-559) Protein, His Tag (MALS verified)
SCCHO-ATP112 Human CHO/Human Glypican-3 (GPC3) Stable Cell Line Development Service
CHEK-ATP092 Human HEK293/Human Glypican-3 (GPC3) Stable Cell Line
GP3-HA2H7 Human APC-Labeled Human Glypican 3 / GPC3 Protein, His TagStar Staining
GP3-HP2H9 Human PE-Labeled Human Glypican 3 / GPC3 Protein, His TagStar Staining
GP3-HA2H5 Human Alexa Fluor™ 488-Labeled Human Glypican 3 / GPC3 Protein, His TagStar Staining
GP3-R52H7 Rat Rat Glypican 3 / GPC3 Protein, His Tag
GP3-HA2H9 Human APC-Labeled Human Glypican 3 / GPC3 Protein, His Tag (Site-specific conjugation)
GP3-H52H8 Human Human Glypican 3 / GPC3 (S495A, S509A) Protein, His Tag
GP3-H52H7 Human Human Glypican 3 / GPC3 (S359F) Protein, His Tag, low endotoxin (MALS verified)
GP3-HP2E3 Human PE-Labeled Human Glypican 3 / GPC3 Protein, His Tag (Site-specific conjugation)
GP3-H5257 Human Human Glypican 3 / GPC3 Protein, Llama IgG2b Fc Tag, low endotoxin
GP3-C5259 Cynomolgus Cynomolgus Glypican 3 / GPC3 Protein, Llama IgG2b Fc Tag, low endotoxin
GP3-HF2H1 Human FITC-Labeled Human Glypican 3 / GPC3 Protein, His Tag
GP3-H52H4 Human Human Glypican 3 / GPC3 Protein, His Tag, premium grade
GP3-HF258 Human FITC-Labeled Human Glypican 3 / GPC3 Protein, Fc Tag
GP3-H82E5 Human Biotinylated Human Glypican 3 / GPC3 Protein, His,Avitag™, premium grade
GP3-M52H3 Mouse Mouse Glypican 3 / GPC3 Protein, His Tag
GP3-C5225 Cynomolgus Cynomolgus Glypican 3 / GPC3 Protein, His Tag
GP3-M5254 Mouse Mouse Glypican 3 / GPC3 Protein, Fc Tag
GP3-H5258 Human Human Glypican 3 / GPC3 Protein, Fc Tag (MALS verified)
GP3-C5256 Cynomolgus Cynomolgus Glypican 3 / GPC3 Protein, Fc Tag
GP3-H5223 Human Human Glypican 3 / GPC3 (S359F) Protein, His Tag, low endotoxin

일부의 생물활성 데이터

GP3-HA2H7-Cell-based assay
 Glypican 3 CAR_T

5e5 of anti-GPC3 CAR-293 cells were stained with 100 μL of 1:50 dilution (2 μL stock solution in 100 μL FACS buffer) of APC-Labeled Human Glypican 3 Protein, His Tag (Cat. No. GP3-HA2H7) and negative control protein respectively (Fig. C and B), and non-transfected 293 cells were used as a control (Fig. A). APC signal was used to evaluate the binding activity (QC tested).

 Glypican 3 SPR

Anti-human GPC3 MAb (chimeric mouse-human IgG1) captured on CM5 chip via anti-human IgG Fc antibodies surface, can bind Human Glypican 3, His Tag, premium grade (Cat. No. GP3-H52H4) with an affinity constant of 1.33 nM as determined in a SPR assay (Biacore T200) (Routinely tested).

 Glypican 3 SPR

Anti-Human GPC3 MAb (chimeric mouse-human IgG1) captured on CM5 chip via anti-human IgG Fc antibodies surface, can bind Human Glypican 3 (S359F) Protein, His Tag (Cat. No. GP3-H5223) with an affinity constant of 1.96 nM as determined in a SPR assay (Biacore T200) (Routinely tested).

사용자 리뷰

Synonym Name



Glypican-3 (GPC3) is also known as Intestinal protein OCI-5, GTR2-2, MXR7, which belongs to the glypican family. Glypican 3 / GPC-3 is highly expressed in lung, liver and kidney. Glypican-3 inhibits the dipeptidyl peptidase activity of DPP4. Glypican-3 may be involved in the suppression/modulation of growth in the predominantly mesodermal tissues and organs, and also may play a role in the modulation of IGF2 interactions with its receptor and thereby modulate its function.

Clinical and Translational Updates

Related Molecule

임상 약품 정보

Name Research Code Research Phase Company Indications Clinical Trials
ERY-974 ERY-974 Phase 1 Clinical Chugai Pharmaceutical Co Ltd Solid tumours; Carcinoma, Hepatocellular Details
ECT-204 ECT-204; JWATM-204 Phase 2 Clinical Eureka Therapeutics Inc Liver Neoplasms; Carcinoma, Hepatocellular Details
GPC3-CAR-T cell therapy(Origincell Medical Technology) Ori-CAR-001 Phase 1 Clinical Carcinoma, Hepatocellular Details
Anti-GPC3-IRDye800CW Clinical Chinese Academy Of Sciences Details
CM-350 CM-350 Phase 2 Clinical Keymed Biosciences Co Ltd Solid tumours Details
IM-83 CAR-T cell therapy IM-83 Phase 1 Clinical Beijing Immunochina Medical Science & Technology Co Ltd Liver Neoplasms Details
TC-CAR-031 TC-CAR-031; TC-CAR031 Phase 1 Clinical Zhejiang University Carcinoma, Hepatocellular Details
GPC3 CAR-T therapy (Hrain Biotechnology) Phase 2 Clinical Hrain Biotechnology Co Ltd Carcinoma, Hepatocellular Details
CAR-GPC3 T-cell (Drum Tower Hospital) Phase 2 Clinical Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital Carcinoma, Hepatocellular Details
Anti-GPC3 CAR T-cell therapy (Nanjing University) Phase 1 Clinical Nanjing University Carcinoma, Hepatocellular Details
GLYCAR T cell therapy (Baylor College of Medicine) GLYCAR Phase 1 Clinical Baylor College Of Medicine Liver Neoplasms; Rhabdomyosarcoma; Rhabdoid Tumor; Hepatoblastoma; Wilms Tumor; Liposarcoma; Endodermal Sinus Tumor; Carcinoma, Hepatocellular Details
GPC3-T2 CAR-T cell therapy (The Second Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University) Phase 1 Clinical Second Affiliated Hospital Of Guangzhou Medical University Carcinoma, Squamous Cell; Carcinoma, Hepatocellular Details
Codrituzumab GC-33; RG-7686; RO-5137382 Phase 1 Clinical Chugai Pharmaceutical Co Ltd, F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd Solid tumours; Carcinoma, Hepatocellular Details
GPC-3298306 GPC-3298306 Phase 2 Clinical National Cancer Center Of Japan Ovarian Neoplasms; Carcinoma, Hepatocellular Details
TAK-102 TAK-102 Phase 1 Clinical Noile-Immune Biotech Inc Solid tumours; Neoplasms Details
CT-0180 CT-0180 Phase 1 Clinical CARsgen Therapeutics Holdings Ltd Carcinoma, Hepatocellular Details
GPC3-CAR-T cell therapy CSG-GPC-3; CAR-GPC3 T-cell; GPC3-CAR/CSG-GPC3; anti-GPC-3 CAR T; KJgpc3-001; CT-011 Phase 1 Clinical Solid tumours; Carcinoma, Squamous Cell; Carcinoma, Hepatocellular Details
B010-A B010-A Phase 1 Clinical Shanghai Pharmaceuticals Holding Co Ltd Carcinoma, Hepatocellular Details
CT-017 CT-017 Phase 1 Clinical Carsgen Biomedicine (Shanghai) Co Ltd Carcinoma, Hepatocellular Details
CT0181 CT-0181 Phase 1 Clinical CARsgen Therapeutics Holdings Ltd Carcinoma, Hepatocellular Details
GPC3-targeted CAR-T (Peking University) Phase 1 Clinical Peking University Carcinoma, Hepatocellular Details
CAR (hYP7)-T cells (National Cancer Institute) Phase 1 Clinical National Cancer Institute Liver Neoplasms; Carcinoma, Hepatocellular Details
Anti-GPC3 chimeric antigen receptor T cell therapy (Hunan Zhaotai Yongren Biotech/Guangdong Zhaotai Invivo Biomedicine) Phase 1 Clinical Hunan Zhaotai Yongren Biotech Co Ltd, Guangdong Zhaotai Invivo Biomedicine Co Ltd Carcinoma, Squamous Cell; Carcinoma, Hepatocellular Details
BOXR-1030 BOXR-1030 Phase 2 Clinical Unum Therapeutics Inc Liver Neoplasms; Carcinoma, Merkel Cell; Carcinoma, Squamous Cell; Lung Neoplasms; Liposarcoma, Myxoid; Carcinoma, Hepatocellular Details

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