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Your Position: > MIS RII



Name:Anti-Mullerian hormone receptor II
Target Synonym:Anti-Mullerian Hormone Receptor, Type II,AMHR2,MRII,AMH Type II Receptor,MISRII,Muellerian Inhibiting Substance Type II Receptor,MIS Type II Receptor,Anti-Muellerian hormone type-2 receptor,EC:,Mullerian Inhibiting Substance Type II Receptor,MISR2,AMHR,Anti-Muellerian Hormone Type-2 Receptor,Anti-Mullerian Hormone Receptor Type 2,EC,Anti-Muellerian Hormone Type II Receptor,Anti-Mullerian Hormone Receptor Type II
Number of Launched Drugs:0
Number of Drugs in Clinical Trials:1
Lastest Research Phase:Phase 2 Clinical

제품 리스트 구매

Synonym Name



MIS RII (Mullerian inhibiting substance type II receptor), also known as AMHRII (anti-Mullerian hormone type II receptor), is a serine/threonine receptor with a single transmembrane domain that belongs to the family of type II receptors of the TGF-beta superfamily. Mutations in MIS RII result in persistent Mullerian duct syndrome (PMDS), persistent Müllerian duct syndrome (PMDS) is a sex-limited disorder in which males develop portions of the female reproductive tract. Anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) and its receptor (AMHR2) induce the regression of the Müllerian ducts in male embryos, but the mechanism by which the Amhr2 gene is specifically activated is not fully understood.

Clinical and Translational Updates

임상 약품 정보

Name Research Code Research Phase Company Indications Clinical Trials
Murlentamab 3C23-K; GM-102 Phase 2 Clinical Lfb Biotechnologies Sas Genital Neoplasms, Female; Colorectal Neoplasms Details

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