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Your Position: > IL-5



Target Synonym:T-cell replacing factor,IL5,Interleukin 5,Eosinophil Differentiation Factor,Colony-Stimulating Factor, Eosinophil,B-Cell Differentiation Factor I,Interleukin-5,IL-5,TRF,Interleukin 5 (Colony-Stimulating Factor, Eosinophil),B Cell Differentiation Factor I,EDF
Number of Launched Drugs:2
Number of Drugs in Clinical Trials:8
Lastest Research Phase:Approved


Project Name Modality Therapeutic Area Indications Stage Right Available
IL5 mAb Monospecific antibody Immunological disease Asthma Phase II Global  (except China)

제품 리스트 구매

일부의 생물활성 데이터

IL5-H5214-Cell-based assay

Human IL-5 Protein, premium grade (Cat. No. IL5-H5214) stimulates proliferation of 293F-STAT5/Luc-IL5RA-CD131-9 cells. The specific activity of Human IL-5 Protein, premium grade is > 3.00ⅹ10^6 IU/mg, which is calibrated against human IL-5 WHO International Standard (NIBSC code: 90/586) (QC tested).

IL5-H52H3-Cell-based assay

Human IL-5 Protein, His Tag (Cat. No. IL5-H52H3) stimulates proliferation of Human IL-5 R alpha/CD131 (Luc) HEK293 Reporter Cell. The typically EC50 for this effect is 3.909 ng/mL (QC tested).


Loaded Human IL-5 Protein, His Tag (Cat. No. IL5-H52H3) on NTA Biosensor, can bind Human IL-5 R alpha, Fc Tag with an affinity constant of 4.63 nM as determined in BLI assay (ForteBio Octet Red96e) (Routinely tested).

IL-5[Biotinylated]:IL-5Rα Inhibitor Screening ELISA KitIL-5[Biotinylated]:IL-5Rα Inhibitor Screening ELISA Kit (Cat. No. EP-128) ELISA bioactivity

Serial dilutions of Human IL-5(Catalog # EP128-C03) (1:1 serial dilution, from 10 μg/mL to 0.020 μg/mL (666.67-0.65 nM)) was added into IL-5 R alpha: IL-5-Biotin binding reactions. The assay was performed according to the above-described protocol. Background was subtracted from data points prior to log transformation and curve fitting (QC tested).

Synonym Name



Interleukin 5 (IL5) is an interleukin produced by type-2 T helper cells and mast cells. IL-5 is a 115-amino acid (in human, 133 in the mouse) -long TH2 cytokine that is part of the hematopoietic family. Unlike other members of this cytokine family (namely interleukin 3 and GM-CSF), this glycoprotein in its active form is a homodimer. Interleukin-5 has long been associated with the cause of several allergic diseases including allergic rhinitis and asthma, wherein a large increase in the number of circulating, airway tissue, and induced sputum eosinophils have been observed. Given the high concordance of eosinophils and, in particular, allergic asthma pathology, it has been widely speculated that eosinophils have an important role in the pathology of this disease. Drugs that target IL-5 are mepolizumab and reslizumab.

Clinical and Translational Updates

공개 약품 정보

Name Research Code Research Phase Company First Brand Name First Approved Country First Indication First Approved Company First Approved Date Indications Clinical Trials
Reslizumab TRFK-5; CDP-835; SCH-5570; CEP-38072; CTx-55700; SCH-55700 Approved Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd Cinqair, Cinquil, Cinqaero EU Asthma Teva Bv 2016-03-23 Loiasis; Hypereosinophilic Syndrome; Pulmonary Eosinophilia; Eosinophilic Esophagitis; Asthma; Bronchitis Details
Mepolizumab SB-240563; 240563 Approved Glaxosmithkline Plc Bosatria, Nucala, 美泊利珠单抗 EU Eosinophilic Granuloma; Nasal Polyps; Hypereosinophilic Syndrome; Sinusitis Glaxosmithkline Trading Services Ltd 2015-11-04 Hypereosinophilic Syndrome; Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis; Churg-Strauss Syndrome; Virus Diseases; Nasal Polyps; Chronic Urticaria; Eosinophilia; Eosinophilic Esophagitis; Asthma; Eosinophilic Granuloma; Bronchitis; Sinusitis; Pulmonary Disease, Chronic Obstructive; Fasciitis; Dermatitis, Atopic; Angioedema Details

임상 약품 정보

Name Research Code Research Phase Company Indications Clinical Trials
long-acting anti-IL-5 mAb (GSK) Phase 1 Clinical Glaxosmithkline Plc Asthma Details
Mepolizumab biosimilar (CTTQ Pharma) Phase 1 Clinical Nanjing Shunxin Pharmaceuticals Co Ltd Of Chiatai Tianqing Pharmaceutical Group Hypereosinophilic Syndrome; Vasculitis; Nasal Polyps; Asthma; Eosinophilic Granuloma; Sinusitis Details
Mepolizumab biosimilar(Bio Thera Solutions) Phase 1 Clinical Bio-Thera Solutions Ltd Autoimmune Diseases; Nasal Polyps; Sinusitis Details
SHR-1703 SHR-1703 Phase 2 Clinical Suzhou Suncadia Biopharmaceuticals Co Ltd, Jiangsu Hengrui Medicine Co Ltd, Shanghai Hengrui Pharmaceutical Co Ltd Asthma Details
Recombinant anti-IL-5 humanized monoclonal antibody (Shanghai CP Guojian) 610 Phase 2 Clinical Shanghai Cp Guojian Pharmaceutical Co Ltd Autoimmune Diseases; Asthma Details
Depemokimab GSK-294; GSK3511294; GSK294; GSK-3511294 Phase 3 Clinical Glaxosmithkline Plc Hypereosinophilic Syndrome; Churg-Strauss Syndrome; Nasal Polyps; Vasculitis; Asthma; Eosinophilic Granuloma; Sinusitis Details

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