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Your Position: > BTLA



Name:B- and T-lymphocyte attenuator
Target Synonym:BTLA,B- and T-lymphocyte attenuator,B- and T-lymphocyte-associated protein,B And T Lymphocyte Associated,CD272 Antigen,BTLA1,CD272
Number of Launched Drugs:0
Number of Drugs in Clinical Trials:5
Lastest Research Phase:Phase 3 Clinical

제품 리스트 구매

Synonym Name



B- and T-lymphocyte attenuator (BTLA) is also known as B- and T-lymphocyte-associated protein, CD antigen CD272. BTLA contains one Ig-like V-type (immunoglobulin-like) domain. As a lymphocyte inhibitory receptor, BTLA / CD272 inhibits lymphocytes during immune response. BTLA / CD272 can interact with tyrosine phosphatases PTPN6/SHP-1 and PTPN11/SHP-2, and interact with TNFRSF14/HVEM.

Clinical and Translational Updates

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임상 약품 정보

Name Research Code Research Phase Company Indications Clinical Trials
ANB-032 ANB-032 Phase 1 Clinical Anaptysbio Inc Inflammation Details
LY-3361237 LY-3361237 Phase 2 Clinical Eli Lilly And Company, Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute Lupus Erythematosus, Systemic; Psoriasis Details
Tifcemalimab TAB-004; JS-004 Phase 2 Clinical Shanghai Junshi Biosciences Co Ltd Solid tumours; Head and Neck Neoplasms; Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Head and Neck; Carcinoma, Renal Cell; Carcinoma, Transitional Cell; Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma; Lung Neoplasms; Lymphoma; Neoplasm Metastasis; Melanoma Details

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