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Your Position: > CCL22



Name:ATP Binding Cassette Subfamily D Member 1
Target Synonym:ATP Binding Cassette Subfamily D Member 1,Adrenoleukodystrophy Protein,ATP-Binding Cassette Sub-Family D Member 1,ALDP,ATP-Binding Cassette, Sub-Family D (ALD), Member 1,ABC42,ABCD1,AMN,ALD,ATP Binding Cassette Transporter, Subfamily D, Member 1,Adrenoleukodystrophy
Number of Launched Drugs:1
Number of Drugs in Clinical Trials:2
Lastest Research Phase:Approved

제품 리스트 구매

제품 상태별:
제품 유형별 :
제품번호 제품 설명 구조 순도 특징
CC2-H5257 Human Human CCL22 / MDC Protein, Fc Tag

Synonym Name



This antimicrobial gene is one of several Cys-Cys (CC) cytokine genes clustered on the q arm of chromosome 16. Cytokines are a family of secreted proteins involved in immunoregulatory and inflammatory processes. The CC cytokines are proteins characterized by two adjacent cysteines. The cytokine encoded by this gene displays chemotactic activity for monocytes, dendritic cells, natural killer cells and for chronically activated T lymphocytes. It also displays a mild activity for primary activated T lymphocytes and has no chemoattractant activity for neutrophils, eosinophils and resting T lymphocytes. The product of this gene binds to chemokine receptor CCR4. This chemokine may play a role in the trafficking of activated T lymphocytes to inflammatory sites and other aspects of activated T lymphocyte physiology.

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