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Your Position: > Cell > Transferrin > CHEK-ATP115

HEK293/Human Transferrin Stable Cell Line

  • Description
    The HEK293/Human Transferrin Stable Cell Line was engineered to express the receptor full length human Transferrin (Gene ID: 7018), used to mimic cancer target cells. Surface expression of Human Transferrin was confirmed by flow cytometry.
  • Application

    • Useful for cell-based Transferrin binding assay

  • Growth Properties
  • Selection Marker
  • Culture Medium
    DMEM + 10% FBS
  • Freeze Medium
    Serum-free cell cryopreservation medium
  • Quantity
    1 vial contains at least 5×10^6 cells in 1 mL serum-free cryopreservation medium
  • Storage
    Frozen in liquid nitrogen.
  • Mycoplasma Testing
  • Sterility Testing
  • Instructions for Use
    See data sheet for detailed culturing and assay protocol.
Receptor Assay
 Transferrin FACS

Expression analysis of human Transferrin on HEK293/Human Transferrin Stable Cell Line by FACS.
Cell surface staining was performed on HEK293/Human Transferrin Stable Cell Line or negative control cell using PE-labeled anti-human Transferrin antibody.

Passage Stability
 Transferrin PASSAGE

Passage stability analysis of receptors expression by FACS.
Flow cytometry surface staining of human Transferrin on HEK293/Human Transferrin Stable Cell Line demonstrates consistent mean fluorescent intensity across passage 3-20.

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  • Background
    Transferrin is also known as Serotransferrin, Beta-1 metal-binding globulin, TF, and is iron-binding blood plasma glycoproteins that control the level of free iron in biological fluids. Although iron bound to transferrin is less than 0.1% (4 mg) of the total body iron, it is the most important iron pool, with the highest rate of turnover (25 mg/24 h). The affinity of transferrin for Fe(III) is extremely high (1023 M−1 at pH 7.4) but decreases progressively with decreasing pH below neutrality.When not bound to iron, it is known as "apo-transferrin”. In humans, transferrin consists of a polypeptide chain containing 679 amino acids. It is a complex composed of alpha helices and beta sheets to form two domains (the first situated in the N-terminus and the second in the C-terminus). The N- and C- terminal sequences are represented by globular lobes and between the two lobes is an iron-binding site. The liver is the main source of manufacturing transferrin, but other sources such as the brain also produce this molecule . Transferrin is also associated with the innate immune system. Transferrin is found in the mucosa and binds iron, thus creating an environment low in free iron that impedes bacteria survival in a process called iron withholding. The level of transferrin decreases in inflammation. The metal binding properties of transferrin have a great influence on the biochemistry of plutonium in humans. Transferrin has a bacteriocidal effect on bacteria, in that it makes Fe3+ unavailable to the bacteria.Carbohydrate deficient transferrin increases in the blood with heavy ethanol consumption and can be monitored via laboratory testing.
  • Permits & Restrictions
    This cell line is provided for research use only. It is not intended for any animal or human therapeutic use, any human or animal consumption, or any diagnostic use. You are not allowed to share, distribute, sell, modify, sublicense, or otherwise make this cell line available for use to other laboratories, departments, research institutions, hospitals, universities, or biotech companies. AcroBiosystems does not warrant the suitability of this cell line for any particular use, and does not accept any liability in connection with the handling or use of this cell line.
  • Clinical and Translational Updates

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재고상품 출발날짜: 영업일 기준 4일

가격(KRW) : 5,250,000

보급 및 전시

약물 개발 현황

  • Number of Launched Drugs:1 Details
  • Number of Drugs in Clinical Trials:4 Details
  • Latest Research Phase:Approved

Datasheet & Documentation


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