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Your Position: > Cell > OX40 > CHEK-ATP053

HEK293/Human OX40 / TNFRSF4 / CD134 Stable Cell Line

  • Description
    HEK293/Human OX40 / TNFRSF4 / CD134 Stable Cell Line
  • Application

    Binding assay by FACS and cell based ELISA

  • Growth Properties
  • Selection Marker
    Puromycin (5 μg/mL)
  • Culture Medium
    DMEM medium + 10% FBS
  • Freeze Medium
    10% DMSO + 90% FBS
  • Quantity
    1 vial contains at least 5x10^6 cells in 1 ml of 10% DMSO in FBS.
  • Storage
    Frozen in liquid nitrogen.
  • Mycoplasma Testing
  • Sterility Testing
  • Instructions for Use
    See data sheet for detailed culturing and assay protocol.
Receptor Assay

FACS assay shows that Biotinylated Human OX40 Ligand, Avitag,Fc Tag (OXL-H82F4) can bind to HEK293/Human OX40 / TNFRSF4 / CD134 Stable Cell Line(HEK-ATP053). HEK293/Human OX40 / TNFRSF4 / CD134 Stable Cell Line was red line, Negative control HEK293 cells was grey line(QC tested).

Please contact us if you are interested in related cell pool service.

  • Background
    Tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 4 (TNFRSF4) is also known as ACT35 antigen, OX40L receptor, TAX transcriptionally-activated glycoprotein 1 receptor, CD antigen CD134, OX40. OX40 / TNFRSF4 contains four TNFR-Cys repeats. TNFRSF4 is receptor for TNFSF4 / OX40L / GP34 and can interacts with TRAF2, TRAF3 and TRAF5.
  • Permits & Restrictions
    This cell line is provided for research use only. It is not intended for any animal or human therapeutic use, any human or animal consumption, or any diagnostic use. You are not allowed to share, distribute, sell, modify, sublicense, or otherwise make this cell line available for use to other laboratories, departments, research institutions, hospitals, universities, or biotech companies. AcroBiosystems does not warrant the suitability of this cell line for any particular use, and does not accept any liability in connection with the handling or use of this cell line.
  • Clinical and Translational Updates

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재고상품 출발날짜: 영업일 기준 4일

가격(KRW) : 5,250,000

보급 및 전시

약물 개발 현황

  • Number of Launched Drugs:0 Details
  • Number of Drugs in Clinical Trials:26 Details
  • Latest Research Phase:Phase 3 Clinical

Datasheet & Documentation

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