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Your Position: > Protein > SpeB > SPB-S5115

SpeB (40U/μl)

  • Product Details
    SpeB is a unique recombinantly produced cysteine protease that digests antibodies from many species and subclasses in the hinge region, producing a homogenous pool of Fab fragments. The enzyme requires reducing conditions for activity on IgG.Human, mouse, rat, goat and sheep IgG are digested by SpeB, yielding Fab and Fc fragments. The primary digestion site on human IgG1 is KTHT / CPPCPAPE.
  • Application

    Purified and homogenous Fab fragments can be used in many applications, including: 1. Study monovalent binding of Fab fragments to the antigen. 2. Elimination of Fc-mediated effector functions. 3. Reduced unspecific binding from Fc interactions.

  • Unit Definition
    One unit digests ≥ 95% of 1 µg human IgG1 when incubated in PBS with 5 mM DTT or TCEP, pH 7.4 at 37°C for 1 hour.
  • Enzyme Activity
    >40 U/μL
  • Endotoxin
    Less than 1.0 EU per μg by the LAL method.
  • Formulation

    Supplied as 0.2 μm filtered solution in 20 mM Tris, 500 mM NaCl, pH7.0 with glycerol as protectant.

    Contact us for customized product form or formulation.

  • Shipping

    This product is supplied and shipped with dry ice, please inquire the shipping cost.

  • Storage

    This product is stable after storage at:

    1. The product MUST be stored at -70°C or lower upon receipt.
    2. -70°C for 12 months under sterile conditions.

100 unit SpeB digests ≥ 95% of 100 μg human IgG1 in PBS, 5 mM DTT , pH 7.4 at 37°C for 1h (QC tested).

  • Clinical and Translational Updates

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재고상품 출발날짜: 영업일 기준 4일

가격(KRW) : 447,000

보급 및 전시

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