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Your Position: > Free Sample Application of anti-payload antibody

Free Sample Application of anti-payload antibody

Thanks for your inquiry. Please allow 24-48 hours for us to process your request.

Products (click cat. # to learn more)

  •   MME-PLS104    25ug  HRP conjugated Monoclonal Anti-MMAE&MMAF Antibody,Mouse IgG1

  •   MME-M5252    100ug  Monoclonal Anti-MMAE&MMAF Antibody, Mouse IgG1 (MALS verified)

  •   MME-BLS104   25ug   Biotinylated Monoclonal Anti-MMAE&MMAF Antibody, Mouse IgG1 (MALS verified)

  •   DXD-PLM684   25ug   HRP conjugated Monoclonal Anti-DXD&Exatecan Antibody, Mouse IgG1

  •   DXD-M684   100ug   Monoclonal Anti-DXD&Exatecan Antibody, Mouse IgG1 (MALS verified)

  •   SN8-PLM685   25ug   HRP conjugated Monoclonal Anti-SN38 Antibody, Mouse IgG1

  •   SN8-M685   100ug   Monoclonal Anti-SN38 Antibody, Mouse IgG1 (MALS verified)

  •   PTX-S343   100ug   Monoclonal Anti-PTX Antibody, Mouse IgG2a (MALS verified)

  •   DM1-Y73    100ug  Monoclonal Anti-DM-1&DM-4 Antibody, Mouse IgG1 (MALS verified)

  •   DM1-PLY73   25ug   HRP conjugated Monoclonal Anti-DM-1&DM-4 Antibody,Mouse IgG1

  •   DM1-BLY73   25ug   Biotinylated Monoclonal Anti-DM-1&DM-4 Antibody, Mouse IgG1 (MALS verified)

Please fill in the following information

Would you like to share test result with ACRO? ACRO will only use the data for internal use.

Which products of anti-Payload antibodies are you interested in by the following items?

Which products in ADC’s development are you interested in by the following items? (You can choose more than one answer)

  •   Target proteins

  •   Proteases for peptide linker

  •   conjugation kits

  •   Tools to evaluate the efficiency of internalization

  •   Drug-resistant cell lines

  •   Others

Contact Information


Terms & Conditions

  • 1. The samples are limited and will be given by first come first served policy. End users only.

  • 2. Customers from the same group of one company can apply only once. Please don't submit the form multiple times.

  • 3. The feedback on the trial is needed in one month after receiving the samples.

  • 4. Delivery Fee: The delivery fee will be waived for destinations in domestic United States. For the destinations outside U.S., please check our shipping cost policy. However, the cost can be waived if your courier account is provided (preferentially FedEx).

  • 5. ACROBiosystems reserve all rights for final explanation.

  • Thank you for your understanding.

  • Contact Us:

  • Tel:+1 800-810-0816 (US & Canada)

  • Email:order@acrobiosystems.com

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